Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Posts from 2019 (Page 2)

China Exports Its Panopticon

By Mike Riggs August/Sept 2019 Issue   Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: Coming to a country near you.   Science fiction writers have wondered for years what an all-encompassing surveillance state might look like. China decided to build it. Over the last year, The New York Times has revealed the lengths to which Beijing has gone to identify and control Uighurs, a Muslim minority…

Lead Singer of Rock Band Skillet Issues Dire Warning after Christian Influencers Publicly Renounce Their Faith ‘What Is Happening In Christianity?’

By Sarah Taylor Aug 14, 2019 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea is embedded below. John L. Cooper, the lead singer of popular Christian rock band Skillet, issued heartfelt advice to Christian influencers who have recently renounced their Christian faith in public. Two well-known Christian influencers announced recently that they had left their Christian faith. In July, Joshua Harris, author of the…

China: Social Credit System Has ‘Restored Morality’ by Blacklisting over 13 Million People

By Frances Martel 14 May 2019 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. China’s state-run newspaper Global Times revealed in a column defending the nation’s authoritarian “social credit system” Monday that the communist regime had blacklisted 13.49 million Chinese citizens for being “untrustworthy.” The article did not specify what these individuals did to find themselves on the list, though the regime has revealed…