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Posts by Kevin Lea (Page 45)

The Harmony of the Olivet Discourse

The Harmony of the Olivet Discourse © Kevin Lea, Dec 5, 2003, all rights reserved Pastor, Calvary Church of Port Orchard, WA. Updated Nov 14, 2015 The Lord Jesus gave some of the most detailed prophecies of future events just a couple days before His crucifixion.  This teaching by Jesus was recorded in Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, and Luke 21.  Theologians refer to…

What Seems Right May Be Wrong

What Seems Right May Be Wrong Commentary by Roger Oakland Understand the Times International: Roger Oakland Ministries Every Christian wants to see the church grow. Jesus made it clear before He ascended to the Father that His followers are to be His witnesses. Believers are called to share the good news of the gospel until He returns. We want to see…

Ants Challenge Natural Selection

Genesis 6:19 “And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.” Charles Darwin recognized that ants challenged his theory of natural selection. He even mentioned it in his Origin of Species. He even asked how the situation with the lowly ant…

The Time has Come for God to Reveal The Messiah, Says Jerusalem’s Chief Rabbi

By Rivkah Lambert Adler November 13, 2015 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. “The smallest shall become a thousand and the least a mighty nation; I am the Lord, in its time I will hasten it.” (Isaiah 60:22) image: Rabbi Shlomo Amar, one of the chief rabbis of Jerusalem, gives a ruling that the Messiah must come. (YouTube)…