Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Posts by Kevin Lea (Page 49)

On The Road to Post-Christian America?

  By Tom Olago Is the United States in a free-fall from the Christian faith, down towards secularization? Indications are that this is indeed the case, with waning levels of influence, commitment and belief spreading like a wildfire across traditionally strong Christian communities, taking down many individual adherents in its wake. Recent research bears out this trend and prompts the question: “Is…

Druze-Israeli Deputy Minister Says Yemen Jews Told to Leave or Convert to Islam

Likud MK and Deputy Minister of Regional Cooperation Ayoob Kara. Photo: Wikipedia. The government of Yemen recently issued a proclamation that all Jews in the country must leave or convert to Islam, Israeli Deputy Minister of Regional Cooperation, Likud MK Ayoob Kara told The Algemeiner on Sunday. According to Kara, failure to exercise one of the two options would spell grave danger for…

China’s Tyrannical New Credit Score is a Warning to America

Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  More evidence that a very oppressive police state is coming to the entire world, just as the books of Daniel and Revelation foretold.   So here’s an interesting bit of news: China is putting together a credit scoring system. Well, that doesn’t sound that interesting. But wait till you hear the details. According to ACLU Senior Policy…

Pope Francis Embraces Chrislam and Lays A Foundation for A One World Religion

Pope Francis Embraces Chrislam and Lays A Foundation for A One World Religion September 29, 2015 By Michael Snyder Remarks made by Pope Francis at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan have sparked a firestorm of criticism from those that do not believe that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.  Many have taken the Pope’s remarks as a major step in the…