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Posts by Kevin Lea (Page 55)

The Christian Purge Has Begun: Chaplains Banned From Preaching That Homosexuality Is a Sin

By Todd Starnes Published August 11, 2015   It wasn’t so much a choice as it was a demand. Chaplain David Wells was told he could either sign a state-mandated document promising to never tell inmates that homosexuality is “sinful” or else the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice would revoke his credentials. “We could not sign that paper,” Chaplain Wells told me…

Pathway to Apostasy

Commentary by Roger Oakland Recently, I was contacted by a friend and colleague who also has a discernment ministry. He was surveying other discernment ministries in order to come up with a list of the top ten subtle ways the body of Christ is presently being led astray. As I was busy speaking at a conference at the time I received…

Order of the Resurrections

By Kerry Trahan August 9, 2015 Inquiry is often made in regards to: 1) How many Resurrections occur? 2) In what order do they occur?  And 3) When do they occur? This brief outline was compiled in the hopes of bringing clarity to some in response to such questions. First, the Old Testament addresses the subject of Resurrection on several occasions, but…

My Servant Israel Land of the Jews

By Peter John When God promised Abraham that his descendants would possess all of the land from the Nile River in Egypt to Lebanon and everything from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River, he could not have imagined that God’s promise would be delayed by a diaspora lasting nearly 4,000 years into the future. A dispersion of the twelve tribes of…

LGBT Distress: Not the Result of ‘Homophobia’

Exclusive: Michael Brown notes their angst usually stems from tiffs with one another August 19, 2015 by Michael Brown In the late 1980s, gay activists laid out one of their major strategies for changing public opinion about homosexuality, calling for the “conversion of the average American’s emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to…