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Apostasy/Spiritual Deception (Page 20)

Humans Pretending to be God

Commentary by Roger Oakland   When I first became a Christian some thirty-five years ago, the topic of genetically redesigning life was still considered science fiction. While predictions were being made about the possibility of designing chimera-like hybrids of monstrous proportions, the reality of that happening seemed far off in the future. Not so today. Quoting from a recent Russian news…

“Christian” Schools Falling In Line after Supreme Court Decision

 Some Christian colleges and universities have begun to capitulate following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to redefine marriage.  Hope College, Belmont University, and Baylor University have all changed some policies to accommodate homosexual students and employees. Cultural analyst Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute says parents need to do some “serious investigating” before sending their children to what they believe is a…