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Apostasy/Spiritual Deception (Page 7)

The UK Government Admits That Covid Vaccines Are Pointless and Offer Zero Protection

By Lance Johnson January 29, 2021 (Natural News) The scientific consensus in early 2020 was one of coercion and fear, instructing humans everywhere to separate, lock down, mask up, follow lines on a floor, and contact trace until a vaccine was produced and plunged into everyone’s arms. Now that experimental vaccines are being rolled out and offered to the world population, public…

Disney Introduces ‘Demon’ who Trains Children to be Witches

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz  January 14, 2020 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  This article is written by an Israeli news source and therefore makes some statements the biblical Christian would disagree with and leaves out what a Christian perspective would add.  Jesus and the Apostles of the New Testament make it clear that in the last days people will turn away from God…

Children’s Transgender Drugs Linked to Thousands of Deaths FDA Data Reveals Puberty-blocking drugs given to gender-confused children linked to 6,370 deaths in adults

By: Jay Greenberg  |@NeonNettle  September 28, 2019 Thousands have died due to reactions to drugs given to ‘transgender’ children Puberty-blocking drugs given to gender-confused “transgender” children have been linked to over 6,300 deaths in adults, data from the Food and Drug Administration reportedly shows. 6,370 adults have died from reactions from a drug that is used as a hormone blocker and given to…