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Hydroplate Theory (Page 7)

Want Salt on Your Ceres?

By David Coppedge December 10, 2015   Note from Jane Albright who contributed this comment at the website where this article is posted: Jane Albright December 10, 2015 Here is yet another discovery that is completely consistent with and easily explained by Dr. Walt Brown’s Hydroplate Theory for the flood of Noah — explained in the Asteroid Chapter of “In the Beginning:…

Tropical Forest: Arctic Fossils Found In Norway, How Did Tropical Trees Get There?

By Louis Babcock November 20, 2015 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  There is a very scientific and biblical explanation for why fossilized tropical forests (and many other plants and animals) are found in the artic circle.  For more information, watch the Part 1-5 videos at Fossils of a tropical forest have been discovered in the Arctic. The tropical tree fossils that…

Mars Rover Finds Changing Rocks, Surprising Scientists

By KENNETH CHANG DEC. 17, 2015 Note from Jane Albright: Here is yet another discovery that is completely consistent with and easily explained by Dr. Walt Brown’s Hydroplate Theory for the flood of Noah — explained in the Comet and Asteroid Chapters of “In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood,” online at creationscience-dot-com/onlinebook. I am unaware of any other…