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Creation Vs. Evolution (Page 8)

Young-Earth Creationist Wins Lawsuit

By Dr. Jay Wile Oct.4,2016 Electron microscope image of three soft bone cells from a dinosaur fossil More than three years ago, I wrote about the sad story of Mark Armitage, a gifted scientist who has become an expert in microscopy. In addition to running his own microscope company, he also worked as the Manager for the Electron and Confocal Microscopy Suite in…

Observatory Earth: Eclipses and Our Privileged Planet

By Eric Metaxas at Sept 8, 2016 In Mark Twain’s classic story, “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court,” a denizen of nineteenth-century New England named Hank Morgan mysteriously finds himself thrown back into sixth-century England. The resourceful Hartford man, taken for a magician and sentenced to burn at the stake, recalls reading about a total solar eclipse that took place…

‘Extreme Natural Disaster’: Scientists Find Evidence Supporting Chinese Account of Great Flood

By Garrett Haley  August 8, 2016 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  The authors of this article, and Dr. Monty White (in the Answers in Genesis article quoted at the end), are making a serious error by equating the Science Magazine article with the Flood of Noah (TFON).  The flood described in this ancient Chinese flood legend must have been a post-flood event, as…