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Global Government (Page 9)

The Fed Will Continue Tightening Until

By Brandon Smith 14 November 2018 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  We know from the scriptures that in the last days there will be a global currency.  If this author is correct, the current economic system is being deliberately crashed, which will bring misery to billions of people.  It would then be likely that the world’s surviving citizens will welcome a global…

IMF Reveals That Cryptocurrency Is the New World Order End Game

Wednesday, 21 November 2018 By Brandon Smith There are two kinds of globalist schemes: First, there are the schemes they spring on the public out of nowhere haphazardly in the hopes that the speed of the event along with some shock and awe will confuse the masses and make them psychologically pliable. This strategy loses effectiveness quickly, though; the longer the plan…

Travelers Refusing Digital Search Now Face $5000 Customs Fine – New Zealand

By Craig McCulloch, Political Reporter – New Zealand @craigmcculloch October 1, 2018 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article Travellers who refuse to hand over their phone or laptop passwords to Customs officials can now be slapped with a $5000 fine. The Customs and Excise Act 2018 – which comes into effect today – sets guidelines around how Customs can carry…

Aadhaar: India Supreme Court Upholds Controversial Biometric Database

By Manveena Suri, CNN September 26, 2018 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Soon Americans will join the Indians in being biometrically databased.  The technology tools are being used to allow the formation of a global police state, ultimately to be ruled by the coming antichrist. Can you hear the footsteps of the messiah’s second coming?  If not, you need your spiritual ears…

Experts Say Eventually EVERYONE Will Get a Microchip Implant

By Daisy Luther August 23, 2018 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. After a company in Wisconsin fitted each of their employees a microchip and claimed they absolutely loved it, many people were adamant that nope, no way, they’d never get chipped like a dog. Some people claimed religious objections (mark of the Beast) while others feel that their privacy has been…

The Digital Dark Age is Here

By Nathan McDonald Aug 10, 2018 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. For years I have warned about this, for years I have stated that these companies are not to be trusted, that they are listening to your every movement and tracking you in real time, selling your information to the highest bidder. For years, people scoffed at this…

Computer Engineers Now Make Up a Quarter of Goldman Sachs’ Workforce

By Thomas Franck | @tomwfranck 30 April 2018   Jim Sinclair’s Commentary on this article follows at the end. Patrick T. Fallon | Bloomberg | Getty Images David Solomon of Goldman Sachs & Co.   Goldman Sachs’ David Solomon said the bank now employs thousands of engineers in its effort to stay on the cutting edge of financial technology. Keeping up in…

Facial Recognition Used To Catch Fugitive among 60,000 Concert-Goers in China

April 12, 2018   Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Technology has been hailed as our servant for decades.  However, we can see that much of it has brought death, sinfulness/corruption and enslavement instead.  Major beneficiaries of the computer age have been the military industrial complex (in order to soon kill billions – Revelation 6:3 and 8), the porn and related lust industries,…

How China’s Social Credit Score Will Shape the “Perfect” Citizen

By TDB March 6, 2018 Note from Pastor Kevin:  The global police state in support of the coming antichrist is nearly upon us.  As foolish man rejects the true God, they get government as their god instead.  How terribly sad! Be astonished, O heavens, at this, And be horribly afraid; Be very desolate,” says the Lord. ‘For My people have committed two evils:…