Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Miscellaneous (Page 12)

World Doctors Alliance about Covid

Jan 20, 2021 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Although this article was written with details about what happened in the United Kingdom, the same observations and conclusion also apply to the United States.  It should be noted that the similarity of deception across the world is consistent with the premise that the Covid-19 “pandemic” was not a health emergency that came upon…

O Church, Arise!

Why Christians should celebrate Thanksgiving to God without fear of “killing your grandfather” SOUND VIEW PERSPECTIVE By Mark Dinsmore 25 November 2020 Dear Saints & Servants, There is no question that much of the world is alarmed and fearful of catching COVID-19. These fears are being greatly exacerbated as governors in Washington, Oregon, California, and other states push for ever-increasing restrictions on…

Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over”

Posted by Tapestry 24 Sept, 2020 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  So if this is true, why are the leftist politicians and media pounding us every day with hype that makes most Americans have a mask wearing fear that they are going to die of Covid?  The obvious answer is that “they” have to keep the problem alive (with lies) in order…

HuffPo Op-Ed: Ginsburg’s Death ‘Pushed Me to Join the Satanic Temple’

“Our best, last defense against anti-choice lawmakers…”   By  Paul Bois Sep 24, 2020 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  This news article is provided as another data point of how far our nation has fallen.  I realize that this post is featuring just one example of a 40-something mother, but there are millions just like her.  The fact that tens of millions…

Crossing the Rubicon

By Alice Childs  August 18, 2020 For anyone who ever sat through history classes in Western Civilization or who read Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in an English literature class, the term “crossing the Rubicon” will be familiar. Before Julius Caesar became Emperor of Rome (thus becoming the first Caesar), he was a brilliant general. In his military campaigns against the Gauls, the man…


Are We a Calvary Chapel Association (CCA) or a Calvary Chapel Global Network (CCGN) Calvary Chapel Church? Pastor Kevin Lea is a Calvary Chapel pastor who wants to maintain the biblical distinctives that have defined Calvary Chapels for decades.  Therefore we are affiliated with the CCA branch of the Calvary Chapel Movement, and not the CCGN.

God, A Father to the Fatherless

Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: This letter was shared by a woman in the church as a testimony during our Wednesday night fellowship before Thanksgiving.  It was a blessing to those who attended and I suspect it will bless all who read it here.  So with Caroline’s permission here is what the Lord led her to share: “A Father of the fatherless…