Transgender Movement Has ‘Dangerous’ Hidden Motivations, Says Former LGBT Activist June 2, 2023 Jane Albright Delusion / Deception, Global Government, Miscellaneous
The Bible on Homosexuality June 1, 2023 Kevin Lea Apostasy/Spiritual Deception, Delusion / Deception, Miscellaneous
School Forces LGBT Indoctrination onto 4-Year-Old May 18, 2023 Jane Albright Christian Persecution, Delusion / Deception, Miscellaneous
Administration Proposed Training Citizens to Monitor Pro -Life Suburban Moms, Other ‘Radicalization Suspects:’ Report May 12, 2023 Jane Albright Christian Persecution, Delusion / Deception, Miscellaneous
By Fomenting Border Chaos and Lawlessness, Globalists Have Set Trap That Will Deceive Humanity into Accepting Biometric Digital ID That Will Tag and Track All People Everywhere May 12, 2023 Jane Albright Miscellaneous