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Miscellaneous (Page 2)

AI Trojan Horse the Infrastructure Necessary for The Antichrist’s Technology Is Being Developed and Used Today

HARBINGER’S DAILY By David Bowen January 9, 2025 Greek mythology tells the story of the Trojan horse. The people of Troy—the Trojans—were defeated by the Greeks after they left behind a large, hollow wooden horse and pretended to sail for home. The Greeks persuaded the Trojans that the horse was an offering to Athena (the goddess of war), and believing the horse…

Abortion was the Leading Cause of Death in 2024 – 45M killed

RTM by Gloriel Howard January 2, 2025 As 2025 kicks in, it has been revealed that abortion was the leading cause of death  globally in 2024, with over 45 million unborn children killed in the womb. The startling information was provided by Worldometer, a reference website recognized by the American Library Association for its comprehensive global statistics. The website reported that 45.1 million…

They Really Do Want to Reduce the Population – 47 Shocking Population Control Quotes

End of the American Dream By Michael Snyder January 5, 2025 There is a clear consensus among the global elite that overpopulation is the primary cause of the most important problems that our world is facing today.  Many of them are completely convinced that humans are literally a “plague” upon the Earth and that extreme measures are required to prevent us from…

When Your Enemy Desires To ‘Wipe You From The Map’ It’s Difficult To Take ‘Proposals For Peace’ Seriously

HARBINGER’S DAILY By Dean Dwyer November 7, 2024 With the US election now behind us, attention turns to what this means for the world during the next four years, particularly in relation to the volatile Middle East.  As we are aware, Middle East peace has dominated the foreign policy platform of US administrations for a number of decades now and we can…

Tyranny of the Global Government is Here Whether You See It or Not

By Ileana Johnson October 29, 2024 CCPO Note: Daniel and Revelation foretell a last day’s world government comprising ten-nation super-states, which will ultimately be ruled over by the antichrist.  As this article reports, we are seeing this prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes.  It asks, “Is it too late to salvage our Constitutional Republic from the assault of foreign nationals and corrupt…