These notes are posted as a guide for those listening to or watching the virtual, YouTube, Resurrection Sunday 2020 service given by Pastor Kevin Lea Matt 16:21 From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the…
Are We a Calvary Chapel Association (CCA) or a Calvary Chapel Global Network (CCGN) Calvary Chapel Church? Pastor Kevin Lea is a Calvary Chapel pastor who wants to maintain the biblical distinctives that have defined Calvary Chapels for decades. Therefore we are affiliated with the CCA branch of the Calvary Chapel Movement, and not the CCGN.
Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: This letter was shared by a woman in the church as a testimony during our Wednesday night fellowship before Thanksgiving. It was a blessing to those who attended and I suspect it will bless all who read it here. So with Caroline’s permission here is what the Lord led her to share: “A Father of the fatherless…