Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Miscellaneous (Page 39)

The Harmony of the Olivet Discourse

The Harmony of the Olivet Discourse © Kevin Lea, Dec 5, 2003, all rights reserved Pastor, Calvary Church of Port Orchard, WA. Updated Nov 14, 2015 The Lord Jesus gave some of the most detailed prophecies of future events just a couple days before His crucifixion.  This teaching by Jesus was recorded in Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, and Luke 21.  Theologians refer to…

What Seems Right May Be Wrong

What Seems Right May Be Wrong Commentary by Roger Oakland Understand the Times International: Roger Oakland Ministries Every Christian wants to see the church grow. Jesus made it clear before He ascended to the Father that His followers are to be His witnesses. Believers are called to share the good news of the gospel until He returns. We want to see…

Teen runner disqualified from state meet – Was it the Bible verse?

By Todd Starnes Published November 11, 2015   In this undated photo high school cross country runner John Green wears a headband (Courtesy Britt Smith) Was a high school cross country runner disqualified from a state championship meet because there was a Bible verse embroidered on his headband? Georgia Congressman Douglas Collins seems to think so. “Religious expression being squashed right here…

Why Middle-Aged Whites Are Committing Suicide at ‘Unprecedented Rate’

Stunning research reveals what is driving Americans to drug addiction and worse by David Kupelian “Death Rates Rising for Middle-Aged White Americans, Study Finds.” That headline in Tuesday’s New York Times caused a shock wave. It seems two researchers, one a Nobel Prize recipient, discovered that white Americans in their 40s and 50s are “committing suicide at an unprecedented rate,” as well…

Narcissistic Nation Hooked on Social Media

No matter what the purpose or how we use Facebook or Twitter, we have become a dangerously narcissistic nation addicted to social media By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh October 30, 2015 We have become a narcissistic nation hooked on social media 24/7. If we look around in every direction possible, we see people with their eyes downcast and locked onto illuminated and…