Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Miscellaneous (Page 4)

Electing A President, Not A Pastor

Gary Randall Ministries / Faith & Freedom October 14, 2024 Charlie Kirk, the founder and president of Turning Point USA,  recently posted on X that “according to new survey data by Georg Barna, only 51% of ‘people of faith’ plan to vote this November.” That means “41 million born-again Christians WILL NOT VOTE,” and “32 million mainline Christians WILL NOT VOTE.” Kirk…

Doctor Raises Alarm over ‘Epidemic’ of Skyrocketing Cancer Cases

SLAY By Frank Bergman September 29, 2024 A renowned American physician is sounding the alarm over skyrocketing numbers of young people being diagnosed with deadly cancers. Dr. Cynthis Yoshida, a professor at the University of Virginia (UVA), warns that this troubling trend has now “become an epidemic.”   Yoshida, who leads UVA’s Health Cancer Center’s Colorectal Cancer Screening Program, is now alerting the…

5 Signs That the US Is Collapsing

ZeroHedge By Clark Barnes August 26, 2024 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  What is missing from this article is the fact that this plan to wreck America is being orchestrated by Satan through the powerful elite whom he controls.  God will be allowing them to succeed because a large majority of the people in America and the world have rejected the God…

The Summit of the Future is Only Weeks Away Yet the Public Remains Ignorant

Activist Post by Derrick Broze September 6, 2024 With the UN’s Summit of the Future less than 20 days away the vast majority of the public has no idea governments of the world are set to sign the so-called Pact for the Future. Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: About twenty-six-hundred-years ago, the prophet Daniel was told by God that in the last…