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Miscellaneous (Page 42)

The South-Pointing Carriage

1 Samuel 17:22 “And David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage, and ran into the army, and came and saluted his brethren.” Numerous Chinese legends refer to a mysterious carriage on which a mechanical rider rode. Its arm was outstretched and continuously pointed south no matter which way the carriage turned. How did it accomplish such…

Order of the Resurrections

By Kerry Trahan August 9, 2015 Inquiry is often made in regards to: 1) How many Resurrections occur? 2) In what order do they occur?  And 3) When do they occur? This brief outline was compiled in the hopes of bringing clarity to some in response to such questions. First, the Old Testament addresses the subject of Resurrection on several occasions, but…

Unity At Any Cost?

UNITY AT ANY COST? Commentary by Roger Oakland Understand The Times International: Roger Oakland Ministries 1.800.689.1888 For printer friendly version, please click here While Christian unity is a very important biblical principle, we must ask ourselves: “How diverse can Christian unity become before it becomes too diverse? How far should a Bible-believing Christian go in the process of forgiving others? Is…