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Biblical Prophecy (Page 13)

Scientists Used CRISPR to Engineer a New ‘Superbug’ that’s Invincible to All Viruses

See Note from Pastor Kevin Lea below the article link   By Shelly Fan Jun 08, 2021 Scientists Used CRISPR to Engineer a New ‘Superbug’ That’s Invincible to All Viruses Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  This article is written by an evolutionist and science writer who is excited that man is now able to change the genetics of living things. However, those of…

Top Globalist Klaus Schwab: “As Long As Not Everybody Is Vaccinated, Nobody Will Be Safe”

By Kelen McBreen January 29th 2021 How will they inject those who resist? Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  This statement is proof positive that the Covid pandemic and associated vaccine are not what they are being advertised to be.  If the vaccine was truly effective against Covid 19, then EVERYONE who has been vaccinated could take off their mask and not have to…

World Doctors Alliance about Covid

Jan 20, 2021 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Although this article was written with details about what happened in the United Kingdom, the same observations and conclusion also apply to the United States.  It should be noted that the similarity of deception across the world is consistent with the premise that the Covid-19 “pandemic” was not a health emergency that came upon…