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Biblical Prophecy (Page 39)

“A Dramatic Escalation Appears Imminent” In Syria

By Tyler Durden Feb 15, 2016 The situation in Syria has reached a watershed moment and a dramatic escalation of the war appears imminent. Let’s look again at how we reached this point. During the first phase of the operation, the Syrian armed forces were unable to achieve an immediate strategic success. This is rather unsurprising. It is important to remember here…

Cashless Canada?

Commentary by Roger Oakland 1.800.689.1888 Over the past several decades, the world has seen amazing changes take place as the rapid advancement of technology leads the entire planet towards a “cashless society.” While this may not cause concern to a younger generation that has been conditioned to accept that global electronic transactions are necessary for the convenience and necessity of buying…

Apple CEO Claims Next Generation of Children Will Have All Purchases Electronically Tracked

Sunday, November 29, 2015 by: J. D. Heyes Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: The world is getting very close to when all financial transactions will be electronic.  When this is accomplished, all transactions will be traceable, and therefore controllable.   The bible predicted that this would be the case in the last days, when a global dictator possessed by Satan himself will demand…