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Biblical Prophecy (Page 42)

The Ravages of War

September 14th, 2015 by Bill Holter  A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. Dear CIGAs, There is so much to comment on today it’s hard to know where to start. As the title suggests, “war” seems to be the theme. Before getting into the meat, I read an article by Simon Black “The last time this happened was …never”…

Americas Eerie Parallels to Downfall of Rome

by Bill Federer The fall of Rome was a culmination of several external and internal factors. Great Wall of China By 220 A.D., the Later Eastern Han Dynasty had extended sections of the Great Wall of China along its Mongolian border. This resulted in the Northern Huns attacking west instead of east. This caused a domino effect of tribes migrating west across…

The Boldest Prediction yet for September 2015

The unprecedented volatility and tremendous upswings and downswings we are seeing right now is a reflection of the fundamental systemic imbalances that we have been warning about for years now… August 29 2015, By James Corbett A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. Alright, can we make a deal? If the world doesn’t actually end on September 23rd can everyone…