Why Have So Few Human Fossils Been Found? November 17, 2014 Kevin Lea Archaeology Russell Moore, Rick Warren to Join ‘Pope Francis’ With Muslims, Buddhists for Interfaith Conference November 17, 2014 Kevin Lea Apostasy/Spiritual Deception Philae Lander Sends Back First Ever Image from Comet November 16, 2014 Kevin Lea Creation Vs. Evolution Pope Francis: Evolution and Big Bang Theory Are Real November 1, 2014 Kevin Lea Creation Vs. Evolution Houston Mayor Drops Demand for Pastors’ Sermons November 1, 2014 Kevin Lea Christian Persecution
Russell Moore, Rick Warren to Join ‘Pope Francis’ With Muslims, Buddhists for Interfaith Conference November 17, 2014 Kevin Lea Apostasy/Spiritual Deception
Philae Lander Sends Back First Ever Image from Comet November 16, 2014 Kevin Lea Creation Vs. Evolution
Pope Francis: Evolution and Big Bang Theory Are Real November 1, 2014 Kevin Lea Creation Vs. Evolution