Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

HuffPo Op-Ed: Ginsburg’s Death ‘Pushed Me to Join the Satanic Temple’

“Our best, last defense against anti-choice lawmakers…”   By  Paul Bois Sep 24, 2020 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  This news article is provided as another data point of how far our nation has fallen.  I realize that this post is featuring just one example of a 40-something mother, but there are millions just like her.  The fact that tens of millions…

Maund: Welcome To The Global Gulag…

By Tyler Durden Tue, 08/18/2020 – 23:45 In case you haven’t noticed, we now live under tyranny, and over the next several years, thanks to the unquestioning zombielike submission of the masses, it is set to get a whole lot worse. When this whole bizarre virus plandemic, or scamdemic, started to gather momentum I instinctively knew that something wasn’t right, that the official…

Crossing the Rubicon

By Alice Childs  August 18, 2020 For anyone who ever sat through history classes in Western Civilization or who read Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in an English literature class, the term “crossing the Rubicon” will be familiar. Before Julius Caesar became Emperor of Rome (thus becoming the first Caesar), he was a brilliant general. In his military campaigns against the Gauls, the man…