Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

BOMBSHELL: “Consensus” Theory of Evolution of the Species Falls Apart; New Mitochondrial DNA Study Reveals NO Animal Species More Than 200,000 Years Old

June 10, 2018 By Isabelle Z. A surprising new study is casting serious doubt on the popular theory that modern animals are the result of millions of years of evolution. After looking at the mitochondrial DNA of thousands of animal species, including humans, researchers reached the stunning conclusion that nearly every species dates back just 100,000 to 200,000 years. The study was carried out…

NASA Curiosity Rover Unearths Building Blocks in 3-Billion-Year-Old Organic Matter on Mars

By Doyle Rice, USA TODAY June 7, 2018 Mars was Once Habitable A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article.   The “building blocks” for life have been discovered in 3-billion-year-old organic matter on Mars, NASA scientists announced Thursday. Researchers cannot yet say whether their discovery stems from life or a more mundane geological process.  However, “we’re in a really good…

Turns out Pluto Might Really Be A Giant Comet

Some researchers have a new theory about the former planet: It’s made up of a billion comets at its core. By Eric Mack May 23, 2018 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI Ever since poor Pluto was stripped of its planetary status, a lingering question has been, Well then, what the heck is it? Dwarf planet? Big asteroid? Just…

Computer Engineers Now Make Up a Quarter of Goldman Sachs’ Workforce

By Thomas Franck | @tomwfranck 30 April 2018   Jim Sinclair’s Commentary on this article follows at the end. Patrick T. Fallon | Bloomberg | Getty Images David Solomon of Goldman Sachs & Co.   Goldman Sachs’ David Solomon said the bank now employs thousands of engineers in its effort to stay on the cutting edge of financial technology. Keeping up in…