Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

CRISPR Gene Editing Tool Causes Unintended Genetic Mutations

By Rich Haridy May 29, 2017 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  After reading these two articles, I hope the reader will see the foolishness of Darwinian evolution.  How can time and chance create the billions of very detailed genetic coding instructions necessary for the healthy growth and function of every living thing?  The evidence is beyond contradiction that in the beginning God…

Is Bitcoin Standing in for Gold?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler June 1, 2017 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article We have known early on that the prices of gold and silver are manipulated by the bullion banks acting as agents for the Federal Reserve. This is the only thing which keeps the fiat dollar in circulation. But with the availability of…

An Analysis of Bitcoins Potential as a Digital Currency

Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  According to biblical prophecy (Daniel and Revelation), someday the world will be ruled by a global government.  The world ruler (the Antichrist) will also have power to globally control everyone’s buying and selling (Rev 13).  Therefore the current status of Bitcoin (anonymous, not government controlled) must change sometime in the future, possibly to the detriment of all…

The Left’s War on Free Speech

Kimberley Strassel Author, The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech April 2017 • Volume 46, Number 4 • Kimberley Strassel   A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article  Kimberley Strassel writes the weekly “Potomac Watch” column for The Wall Street Journal, where she is also a member of the editorial board. A graduate of Princeton University, her previous positions at the Journal include news…