Will the breakup of the EU delay prophesied End-Times Events? By Mark Dinsmore Upon the announcement of the “Brexit” referendum results, the conservative-libertarian blogosphere was cautiously jubilant. One such website, needtoknow.news ran with this headline: “Beginning of the end or end of the beginning?” Longtime researcher, author, and critic of the Federal Reserve system, G. Edward Griffin, wrote: Most readers of Need to…
EU-style “North American Union” would kill U.S. national sovereignty By Kit Daniels JUNE 28, 2016 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: According to Bible prophecy (Daniel and Revelation), someday there will be a ten-nation global empire ruled by the Antichrist. The European Commission elites have a plan to globalize all the current nation states of the…
Logistical challenges make 2018 target ambitious By Kieron Monks, for CNN July 5, 2016 http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/05/africa/african-union-passport/index.html Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: More evidence that the elite global leaders are slowly and methodically working toward a ten-nation world consolidation, just as Daniel and Revelation predicted (thousands of years ago) would be the case in the last days leading up to the kingdom…
Tuesday, July 12, 2016 23:10 Less than a week after Pokémon Go’s launch, our streets are already filled with packs of phone-wielding, Weedle-catching zombies. They’re robbing our teens, filling our churches with sinners, and tricking our children into exercising. But worst of all, Pokémon Go is turning us all into an army of narcs in service of the coming New World Order. Allow me…
By Tom Olago July 14, 2016 http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=491 The ‘Pokémon Go’ fantasy role-playing game is here and its release has been an astounding success, reminiscent of the Harry Potter heydays. The craze has swept the United States and its reach, according to the Los Angeles Times, is poised to surpass even Twitter. As Erica Evans and Rick Anderson further explained, just a few…