Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

New Fox Show: “Lucifer” As a Good Guy

Thursday, January 21, 2016 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: This article states that the actor playing Satan grew up in a Christian home, and that his family (including his “pastor” dad) is excited about his acting role of playing the part of Satan. How could anyone who claims to be a Christian be involved in producing a show that glorifies and twists…

Cashless Canada?

Commentary by Roger Oakland 1.800.689.1888 Over the past several decades, the world has seen amazing changes take place as the rapid advancement of technology leads the entire planet towards a “cashless society.” While this may not cause concern to a younger generation that has been conditioned to accept that global electronic transactions are necessary for the convenience and necessity of buying…

Want Salt on Your Ceres?

By David Coppedge December 10, 2015   Note from Jane Albright who contributed this comment at the website where this article is posted: Jane Albright December 10, 2015 Here is yet another discovery that is completely consistent with and easily explained by Dr. Walt Brown’s Hydroplate Theory for the flood of Noah — explained in the Asteroid Chapter of “In the Beginning:…