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Here you will find selected news articles and editorials, many with our commentary intended to show that the Bible is just as applicable to issues in the world today as they were when written by the inspired pen of the authors of the Old and New Testaments. This only makes sense if the true Author is the all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present God of the Bible. This same God so loves you that He sent His Son Jesus to make a way for you to be forgiven of sin. We pray that you have received Jesus as your Savior. If you have not, I pray these handouts will challenge you to pick up your Bible and discover how miraculous it is, stop fighting God’s love, repent and trust in Jesus as your Savior while there is still time.  Find out more.

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An Analysis of Bitcoins Potential as a Digital Currency

Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  According to biblical prophecy (Daniel and Revelation), someday the world will be ruled by a global government.  The world ruler (the Antichrist) will also have power to globally control everyone’s buying and selling (Rev 13).  Therefore the current status of Bitcoin (anonymous, not government controlled) must change sometime in the future, possibly to the detriment of all…

The Left’s War on Free Speech

Kimberley Strassel Author, The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech April 2017 • Volume 46, Number 4 • Kimberley Strassel   A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article  Kimberley Strassel writes the weekly “Potomac Watch” column for The Wall Street Journal, where she is also a member of the editorial board. A graduate of Princeton University, her previous positions at the Journal include news…

NASA Has Stunning Video of A Giant Asteroid That’s Set To Whiz Past Earth

By Chris Ciaccia April 19, 2017 NASA has released radar images of the asteroid known as 2014 JO25, as the space rock prepares to fly by Earth on Wednesday night. Various telescopes and observatories around the planet, including the Arecibo Observatory, have begun sending radar towards the asteroid, while also recording its echoes. Additional observations of the asteroid are being made on April…

What Is Hezbollah Planning For The Third Lebanon War? As Syria continues to disintegrate, the chances increase that a new conflict with Hezbollah will erupt.

By  Yaakov Katz APRIL 20, 2017 A Hezbollah member drives a 4-wheel motorbike mounted with a mock rocket in southern Lebanon in 2015. (photo credit:REUTERS) (see link below to see the photo) In Military Intelligence they call it “Fire-b y-Six,” a reference to the dramatic transformation of Hezbollah’s rocket and missile arsenal in the 10 years that have passed since the Second…

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