Here you will find selected news articles and editorials, many with our commentary intended to show that the Bible is just as applicable to issues in the world today as they were when written by the inspired pen of the authors of the Old and New Testaments. This only makes sense if the true Author is the all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present God of the Bible. This same God so loves you that He sent His Son Jesus to make a way for you to be forgiven of sin. We pray that you have received Jesus as your Savior. If you have not, I pray these handouts will challenge you to pick up your Bible and discover how miraculous it is, stop fighting God’s love, repent and trust in Jesus as your Savior while there is still time. Find out more.
Social isolation for people who express controversial opinions or dissent Paul Joseph Watson – December 23, 2015 China’s largest social networks have partnered with the country’s Communist government to create a credit score system that will measure how obedient its citizens are, a chilling prospect that could one day arrive in America if social justice warriors get their way. Entitled ‘Sesame Credit’,…