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'Second Coming' Tagged Posts

The Perils of Preterism

Our Journey Home Jonathan Brenter, August 23, 2023 Preterism is one of today’s popular views of the end times; its adherents among church staff continue to rapidly grow in number. Below is a list of its basic beliefs: Nero was the Antichrist. There will be no future individual Antichrist. The Tribulation Period is already over. It occurred when the Roman army besieged…

Charts & Timelines from Pastor Kevin’s 2020/21 Teaching on the Book of Revelation

Here are updated charts that Pastor Kevin first presented while teaching the Book of Revelation in 2020/21.   (Note:  Due to common usage, the “Tribulation Period” and “The 70th Week of Daniel” are used synonymously herein.) This file comprises: Page 1 – God’s Witness to a Fallen World.  Depicts the ways that God has revealed Himself to people throughout the various ages and…