We are reaching an era when people will seek salvation in silicon and lines of code.
April 16, 2024
CCPO Note: We see artificial intelligence quickly affecting nearly every aspect of our lives. Bible prophecy watchers see how AI tools can become an essential component of the coming digital surveillance system described in Revelation 13. This article eloquently describes another facet of AI – our society’s worship-like response to it. We see how peoples’ blind belief in everything that AI generates as “truth” will facilitate the formation of the coming one world religion, also described in Revelation 13. Related Handouts:
As humanity descends into digital madness, the air crackles with strange prophecies. We’re told “godlike” artificial intelligence will soon arrive. Techno-cultists assure us that artificial intelligence will solve the world’s problems, such as writer’s block and climate change. AI may even calculate the meaning of the universe. These Silicon Valley sects are like UFO cults for people who don’t believe in aliens but do believe in magic computers.
Before long, I fear, the masses will begin praying to AI gods. They will ask machines to answer their deepest questions. Their glowing oracles will reply with things like…