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The Boldest Prediction yet for September 2015

The unprecedented volatility and tremendous upswings and downswings we are seeing right now is a reflection of the fundamental systemic imbalances that we have been warning about for years now…

August 29 2015, By James Corbett

A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article.

Alright, can we make a deal? If the world doesn’t actually end on September 23rd can everyone agree to stop sending me emails every time a new prediction emerges about the “absolute 100% guaranteed for certain” date that everything is going to collapse?

Oh, who am I kidding? People will continue to be fascinated with these predictions of the end times no matter how many times they come and go without event.

Remember when the probability of a terror attack (or WWIII!) was “extremely high” on June 6, 2006 because…6/6/6? Or when the “next 9/11” was absolutely going to happen in the summer of 2007 because some retired Army captain took the Bush regime’s ginned up fear mongering at face value?

Or when we were all supposed to be afraid of a false flag on January 21st (or 22nd) of 2009 because Colin Powell said there was going to be an event “we don’t even know about yet” at that time?

Or when the internet was absolutely certain there was going to be a nuclear false flag on June 21st, 2009 because of a cartoon in the Telegraph?

Or when there was going to be an attack on the Sears (Willis) Tower on June 10, 2011 because there was an emergency drill going on that day.

Or when the economy was going to collapse on July 20, 2014 because “G is the 7the letter of the alphabet and this might be a reference to 7/20/2014”?

Or when the world was going to end on December 21, 2012?

Or when we were going to collide with Nibiru on…well, pick a date. There’s a new warning of the end of the world at the hands of Nibiru pretty much every month now.

You get the idea. But maybe you don’t. These are just the warnings that come to mind off the top of my head, but I assure you I have seen dozens more, each time with a precise date on which this cataclysm is “absolutely going to happen” because of some convoluted reasoning process that can be quite convincing when you get caught up in it. Heck, people in the comment section on my own website have made precise and detailed predictions based on numerological and other clues…that also failed to come true.

I’m not pointing fingers here. I, too, participated in these prediction games in my younger years…and I, too, was utterly wrong. Mea culpa.

But there comes a point when we have to learn the lesson: no one has the magic decoder ring for predicting the next big terror attack or the next big market crash. Unless you are involved in planning the event, you don’t know when it’s going to happen.

Why do I bring this up? Because the next big prediction hype has arrived. It’s the Shemitah (or shemittah or shmita). Haven’t heard of it yet? Long story short, the Shemitah is a Biblical concept supposedly given to Moses by God, who told him that when the Jews arrived in the Holy Land they should give the land a sabbath in the seventh year just as they observe the sabbath every seventh day. In this year the land would be allowed to lie fallow and no planting or harvesting would be done. Also, the Shemitah year culminates in a forgiveness of all debt…except for debt owed by foreigners, of course. Furthermore, at the end of the seventh of these 7-year cycles (i.e. every 50 years) there is a “Jubilee” in which, in addition to lack of farm work, all land reverts to its original owner and all slaves are set free.

And guess what? We’re in the midst of the Shemitah year right now! And in fact this Shemitah will bring to an end the seventh 7-year cycle, meaning this will also be a Jubilee year! Sounds great, huh?


To read this article in its entirety go to: 


Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:

I agree with James Corbett’s efforts to warn against and expose the foolishness of these book selling, false teachers.  The sad part about their bad track record over the years is that many assume that these things came from the bible, and thus, when they don’t come true, have rejected biblical prophecy or the bible altogether. 

 As James said, the laws governing finance would warn the prudent that we are in for a global economic collapse someday soon. Nations and men have been fighting wars for millennia’s and it appears that James may be correct that conflict is likely to erupt soon in the Middle East and possibly elsewhere. 

 These and many other things are leading us ever so methodically toward the “last days” spoken of by the true prophets of the bible, thousands of years ago.  Someday there will be a global financial system ruled over by an Antichrist (Revelation 13).  Will the coming economic collapse hasten this event?  Time will tell.

 According to Daniel and Revelation, the coming Antichrist will be the leader of a Ten Nation global empire.  Is it possible the coming wars will bring such horror to the survivors that nation states will willingly give up their sovereignty in order to establish a “more perfect union”, better known as “The New World Order” which will consist of Ten Nations whose leaders will promise the world’s citizens that they will bring about world peace?  Again, time will tell. 

 Whether financial collapse, war or other calamities fall upon the world this month or not, it is obvious that the great deceiver is causing great confusion and leading people to follow the wisdom of man and their books rather than the wisdom that comes from the only true source of future knowledge, the Bible. 

 I pray the reader will not fall into this trap.  If bad things do or don’t happen this month, the only solution for man’s ills will be the return of Jesus to set up His kingdom for those who are saved from sin and desire to live under His eternal authority.  How do we ensure His favor?  By humbly admitting to the true God of the Bible that we are sinners in need of a Savior.  The Savior’s name is Jesus, who so loved you that He gave His life on the Cross, to die on your behalf, so that you could be forgiven and have everlasting life, if you repent, believe and trust in Him until the end.  Please humble yourself and believe (if you haven’t already) before it is too late.