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Apple CEO Claims Next Generation of Children Will Have All Purchases Electronically Tracked

Sunday, November 29, 2015

by: J. D. Heyes

Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: The world is getting very close to when all financial transactions will be electronic.  When this is accomplished, all transactions will be traceable, and therefore controllable.   The bible predicted that this would be the case in the last days, when a global dictator possessed by Satan himself will demand universal allegiance and worship.  (Revelation 13).  Those who refuse will be cut off from being able to buy and sell.  Those who take his mark in their hand or forehead and worship this evil dictator as god will damn their souls for eternity (Revelation 14).

It appears that the infrastructure to fulfill this two-thousand-year old prophecy is nearly complete.  Therefore, a time of great calamity is likely just around the corner.  I pray the reader has put your trust in the loving savior Jesus, who came to take away your sin if you humble yourself, repent of your rebellion against Him and receive (by faith) His gift of grace and mercy as you place your life in His hands and under His authority.


(NaturalNews) “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” – Revelation 13:16-17

That passage from the King James version of the Bible came to mind I as considered comments made by Apple boss Tim Cook recently, one of the few elite master-planners who are attempting to fashion the globe after their own evil vision.

As noted by the UK Telegraph, Cook, during a discussion at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, recently, predicted the end of cash as we know it – to be replaced by electronic purchase transfers that essentially mimic the Biblical “mark of the beast,” because they will be conducted with devices that can be tracked (and controlled), by the powers that be: large corporations and the government.

What’s more, Cook wasn’t predicting some far-off event; he said he believed that the death of cash was likely to occur by the time the university students he was addressing started their families.

At present, The Telegraph noted, cash is still very widely used. In the UK, for example, consumers, based on data from Payments UK, an industry watchdog organization, utilize cash more than half the time [this figure is much higher in the U.S. – more on that below]. However, use of cash is receding, especially as more and more people switch to online methods of exchanging payment – through apps like PayPal, Google Wallet and, of course, Apple Pay.

Already the vast majority of commercial activity in the U.S. is conducted electronically

“Your kids will not know what money is,” Cook said while answering questions from Trinity students.

The Telegraph cited results of a survey in an August 2015 news report, in which 39 percent of respondents said they did not think they would have any use for cash within a decade.

Specifically, the paper reported:

“Cash is on the way out as growing numbers of Britons believe contactless cards and mobile payments…

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