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Posts by Kevin Lea (Page 19)

Human Beings on Brink of Achieving IMMORTALITY by Year 2050, Expert Reveals

A Note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. IMMORTALITY has been the regarded as mythology and science fiction for years but now human beings are close to defying death due to several major scientific breakthroughs which will give humans a plethora of choice on how to live forever by the year 2050, according to a top futurologist. By Matt Drake February…

Iran Launches Festival to Celebrate Israel’s ‘Imminent Collapse’

‘Israel’s time is running out’, warns Tehran festival. Senior Iranian official vows Iran will bring about Israel’s collapse within 25 years. David Rosenberg February 28, 2018 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  There was a time in the past when some of those in charge of and living in the Persian (Iranian) empire were celebrating that the Jews were about to be exterminated. …

Pastor: I Miscalculated Impact of LGBTQ-Affirming Vote

By Bill Bumpas, Jody Brown ( January 15, 2018 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. A Baptist pastor in Dallas is facing some harsh realities more than a year after leading his congregation to affirm homosexuality. In November 2016, Wilshire Baptist Church voted to extend membership to those involved in the homosexual lifestyle. The church’s slogan is now “Open to all,…

Something Shocking Happened in Florida after the Alaska Earthquake: Well Water Levels Changed

By Chris Dolce January 24, 2018 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. Tuesday’s 7.9 magnitude earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska sent vibrations through the earth that caused water to rise and fall in wells in Florida, thousands of miles away. Sensors near Fort Lauderdale and Madison, near the Georgia border, showed a minor change in water levels after the earthquake, according to the…

Ancient Weakening Of Earth’s Crust Explains Unusual Intraplate Earthquakes

By Olivia Trani, American Geophysical Union December 12, 2017  Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Jesus said that in the last days there would be severe earthquakes in various places (Matthew 24:7).  Revelation records that in the future the earth will experience global earthquakes that will destroy every city, make the islands go away and lower the mountains (Isaiah 24:19-20, Revelation 16:18-21).  …