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Posts by Kevin Lea (Page 20)

Disney Channel to Introduce First Ever Gay Storyline

By Ben Kew October 26, 2017 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Disney has been promoting witchcraft and the homosexual agenda for many years.  It amazes me that many in the church support this morally/spiritually destructive corporation through trips to Disneyland and subscriptions to the Disney Channel.  This new program will destroy the lives of many young people by deceiving them into the…

Lightning: A Natural Nuclear Reactor!

By Dr. Jay L. Wile Dec.7,2017 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: Finally secular scientists have caught up with what Dr. Walt Brown has been explaining since 2009 when he added a chapter on the Origin of Earth’s Radioactivity in his on-line book, In the Beginning – Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood.  The Nature magazine article which originally broke this news…

Warm Rock Rising Deep beneath New England, Seismic Study Reveals

“We did not expect to find abrupt changes in physical properties beneath this region,” researcher Vadim Levin said. By Brooks Hays Dec. 1, 2017 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  This article concludes with the statement, “Now that researchers know the upwelling is there, they hope to find out what’s causing it.”  If the reader wants to understand now why this discovery is only…

The Moon’s Interior Could Contain Lots of Water, Study Shows

By Samantha Mathewson, Contributor July 24, 2017 Note from Pastor Kevin:  For those interested in understanding why the near and far side of the moon are so different, and why it should come as no surprise that there is water on the moon, please see Ancient volcanic deposits on the moon suggest the lunar interior has a substantial amount of water.…

Biologist Acknowledges: ‘Rising Number of Publications’ Calling for ‘Major Revision’ of ‘Standard Theory of Evolution’

By Garrett Haley September 18, 2017 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Every student should take a copy of this article and give it to their propaganda teachers at school, respectfully requesting that they stop teaching evolution as fact, and instead encouraging them to tell the truth (i.e., ­ that evolution theory is crumbling into dust as we gain more scientific knowledge about life).…