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Apostasy/Spiritual Deception (Page 13)

Pokemon Go What You Need to Know About This Massive Mind Control Effort!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016 23:10   Less than a week after Pokémon Go’s launch, our streets are already filled with packs of phone-wielding, Weedle-catching zombies. They’re robbing our teens, filling our churches with sinners, and tricking our children into exercising. But worst of all, Pokémon Go is turning us all into an army of narcs in service of the coming New World Order. Allow me…

How Should Christians Respond To the ‘Pokémon Go’ Craze?

By Tom Olago July 14, 2016 The ‘Pokémon Go’ fantasy role-playing game is here and its release has been an astounding success, reminiscent of the Harry Potter heydays. The craze has swept the United States and its reach, according to the Los Angeles Times, is poised to surpass even Twitter. As Erica Evans and Rick Anderson further explained, just a few…

Sorry, but We Won’t Rewrite the Bible for Gays and Lesbians

By Michael Brown holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures from New York University June 28, 2016 Notes from Pastor Kevin Lea interspersed, indented and italicized in brackets below. In response to my open letter to Isaac Archuleta, who describes himself as a bisexual Christian, Richard S. posted a lengthy comment on my personal Facebook page, including this statement: “The logical…

Gender Ideology Harms Children

Originally posted March 21, 2016 – a temporary statement with references. A full statement will be published in summer 2016. Updated with Clarifications on April 6, 2016. The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology –…


Complaint: Born female, identifies as male, ‘harassed’ as ‘lady’ May 25, 2016 By Cheryl Chumley Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Someone once wrote (often attributed to George Orwell), “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”  For the first time in American history we can now say that telling the truth can get you sued for $60,000.  The…