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Creation Vs. Evolution (Page 6)

Did It Rain Before The Flood?

by Dr. Walt Brown   Genesis 2:5–6 suggests that it did not rain before the flood: Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the Lord God had not sent rain upon the earth; and there was no man to cultivate the ground. But a mist used to…

The Amazing Giraffe!

Mike Snavely PO Box 264 Cornwall PA 17016 USA July 5, 2017 The giraffe is a favorite animal among our guests on our African safaris. Besides their unique appearance and large size (up to 2,000 lbs.), they have amazing characteristics that you might not know about. Evolutionists, of course, see these features, too, but just can’t bring themselves to mention “design“, because that…

The What?! The “Sharing Gene”?

By Mike Snavely <> June 27, 2017 As long as I’m on the subject of “research” that supposedly supports evolution theory, how about this one? This is from an article I wrote several years ago…. Someone gave me a magazine from their (secular) alma mater that was concentrating on Darwinism that summer. It featured the studies of a professor of anthropology who has been…

BreakPoint: The Octopus Outsmarts Darwin Again Self-Taught Cephalopods

By: Eric Metaxas &  G. Shane Morris May 8, 2017 Imagine being able to make yourself more intelligent than your genes allow. If you were a slimy, spineless bottom-dweller, that might be a welcome bonus. What’s the most intelligent animal on the planet? There are a lot of ways to answer that, and depending on your standard, apes, crows, dolphins, and parrots could all…