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Global Government (Page 23)

Obama Warns Against ‘A Crude Sort of Nationalism’ Taking Root in the U.S.

By Juliet Eilperin and Greg Jaffe November 15, 2016 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article.  Obama warns against ‘a crude sort of nationalism’ in U.S. Speaking in Greece at a joint news conference with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, President Obama warned against the sense of “tribalism” taking root in the populist movements around the world. (The Washington Post) ATHENS — President Obama…

Why You Should Be Paying Attention to America’s Quiet War on Cash

By Shaun Bradley – September 14, 2016  A new war on cash is being waged that threatens freedom in a more subversive way than ever before. Banks and governments around the world are cracking down on the use of paper money, and in turn, eliminating any anonymity left in the current system. Through strict rules on cash transactions and civil asset forfeiture…

The BREXIT and Bible Prophecy — Part 2

Globalists capitalize on conflict — creating chaos that leads toward a New World Order  By Mark Dinsmore July 1, 2016 On the surface, the “Brexit” — or British exit from the European Union (EU) appears to deal a tremendous blow to the Masonic-elite’s globalist goal for a New World Order. With few exceptions, this was the general consensus among many conservative and libertarian-leaning bloggers…

The BREXIT and Bible Prophecy — Part 1

Will the breakup of the EU delay prophesied End-Times Events? By Mark Dinsmore Upon the announcement of the “Brexit” referendum results, the conservative-libertarian blogosphere was cautiously jubilant. One such website, ran with this headline: “Beginning of the end or end of the beginning?” Longtime researcher, author, and critic of the Federal Reserve system, G. Edward Griffin, wrote: Most readers of Need to…

Mexican President Demands U.S. Merge with Mexico, Canada

EU-style “North American Union” would kill U.S. national sovereignty  By Kit Daniels JUNE 28, 2016 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  According to Bible prophecy (Daniel and Revelation), someday there will be a ten-nation global empire ruled by the Antichrist.  The European Commission elites have a plan to globalize all the current nation states of the…