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Israel (Page 4)

The Light that Shines in the Darkness

All Israel News By Howard Bass, December 9, 2023 CCPO Note:  “All Israel News is a news and commentary site based in Jerusalem that is focused on Israel and the broader Middle East, bringing together in one place all of the most important events and trends in the region from a wide range of existing news sites,…

There Has Never Been a More Urgent Need for Pastors to Proclaim Israel’s Right to the Land

Harbinger’s Daily by Jonathan Brentner November 1, 2023 There’s never been a more urgent need for pastors to proclaim Israel’s right to the Land. The war in the Middle East has exposed the cancer of anti-Semitism and we must not keep silent. The massive influx of people from Muslim nations explains the anti-Semitic demonstrations in major cities across Europe and the U.S.,…

15 facts about Palestine you won’t hear in mainstream media

All Israel News By Bob Cantor, October 23, 2023 Many years ago, a news anchor confidently declared the following words, referring to former White House correspondent Helen Thomas’ statement that the Jews should “get the h*** out of Palestine.” He said: “[Thomas] remembers [before 1948] when Palestine was a nation.” Somehow, an educated journalist believed a lie that Israel came into being by taking over…

Regardless Of What Comes Against Israel, God Will Keep His Solemn Promise to Preserve Them

By Jonathan Brentner October 20, 2023 The carnage left behind by Hamas’ massacre of Israeli citizens and several from other countries shocked and deeply saddened me as I read hundreds of messages and viewed a few pictures of the slain. Because the tragic events of October 7, 2023, involve Israel, prophetic implications from what’s happening in the Middle East will reverberate long…