Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Miscellaneous (Page 12)

Keeping the Third Commandment

In the clip below, Pastor Kevin suggests ways to lovingly respond when the people around us use God’s holy name as a swear word. As we use their own blasphemy to point people to Jesus during this Christmas season (and always), we pray they would repent and place their faith in Him because Salvation is…

Normal is Not Coming Back – Are You Ready?

When “Normal” Disappeared (c) Calvary Church of Port Orchard October 30, 2023 Our lives were turned upside down in early 2020 as governments around the world, in lockstep, shut down their countries in order, they said, to protect us from a new, dangerous coronavirus dubbed SARS-CoV-2.  Governments and health agencies assumed unprecedented power over our lives, and we gave up our liberties…