Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Christian Persecution (Page 6)

Oregon Official Who Bullied Christian Bakery Owners Loses Election

By Todd Starnes November 16, 2016 Aaron and Melissa Klein, Sweet Cakes By Melissa owners  (Courtesy of the Kleins ) An Oregon bureaucrat who waged political jihad against the owners of a Christian bakery was given the heave-ho by voters. Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian was defeated by Republican Dennis Richardson in his bid to be Secretary of State. It’s the first time a…

‘Small-Town Florist’ Warns: ‘Gay’ Art Mandate Threatens ‘Everyone’

‘This involved what, to me, is an event of unique spiritual significance’   By Bob Unruh November 14, 2016 ‘Small-town florist’ warns: ‘Gay’ art mandate threatens ‘everyone’ Don’t kid yourself: The government that gives itself the authority to order a “small-town florist” to advocate a message that violates her faith isn’t going to be satisfied with controlling one “small-town florist.” That’s the warning…

End Time Persecution Is Here: Russia Just Banned Evangelism

By Michael Snyder July 14, 2016 image: We always knew that this was coming.  For years, the horrifying persecution of Christians in the Middle East has made headlines all over the globe, but now we are seeing very disturbing examples of government-sanctioned persecution literally all over the planet. As you will read about below, Russia just banned virtually all types…


Complaint: Born female, identifies as male, ‘harassed’ as ‘lady’ May 25, 2016 By Cheryl Chumley Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Someone once wrote (often attributed to George Orwell), “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”  For the first time in American history we can now say that telling the truth can get you sued for $60,000.  The…