Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Petition Calling On Americans to Boycott the Disney Company Until It Stops Promoting Homosexuality in Children’s Movies and Programming

  Note from Pastor Kevin:  I have signed this petition and have not supported Disney with God’s money for years because of their obsession with witchcraft and support of the homosexual, Nazi tactic, agenda.  Whereas, generations of children have been raised on wholesome Disney movies that, whether animated or live-action, were stories of character and virtue, from “Old Yeller” to “Cinderella” – even…

The 70 Nations That Will Meet in Paris on January 15th Are Going To Publicly Commit To Dividing the Land Of Israel

By Michael Snyder January 13, 2017 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  I agree with this author that these nations are proposing things that if implemented would bring the judgment of God upon them.  These leaders would be well advised to read the book of Exodus before trying to plot the destruction of the nation of Israel (which is the logical end game…

Globalization Needs To Be All or Nothing

By Dambisa Moyo January 12, 2017 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  This article relates to our Sunday morning, Jan 1, 2017 prophecy Update, where I emphasized that the globalist’s have come out of their closets and are now openly advocating the elimination of all nation states for the sake of setting up a global utopia (in their  minds).   The bible prophesies that…

Scientist Wins Hard Cash over Soft Tissue from Dinosaurs

Montana Dig Results Raised Further Questions About Ancient Earth   By Bob Unruh November 29, 2016 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Scientific evidence shows that dinosaurs lived thousands (not 60 million) of years ago.  Of course evolutionists continue to suppress the evidence and fire those who have the audacity to publish the evidence outside of the inner circle, but the truth is…

Police Seek Amazon Echo Data in Murder Case

The company declined to do so, but the case raises bigger questions about Internet of Things (IoT) privacy. By Billy Steele December 27, 2016 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. Amazon’s Echo devices and its virtual assistant are meant to help find answers by listening for your voice commands. However, police in Arkansas want to know if one of the gadgets…