Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

The What?! The “Sharing Gene”?

By Mike Snavely <> June 27, 2017 As long as I’m on the subject of “research” that supposedly supports evolution theory, how about this one? This is from an article I wrote several years ago…. Someone gave me a magazine from their (secular) alma mater that was concentrating on Darwinism that summer. It featured the studies of a professor of anthropology who has been…

BreakPoint: The Octopus Outsmarts Darwin Again Self-Taught Cephalopods

By: Eric Metaxas &  G. Shane Morris May 8, 2017 Imagine being able to make yourself more intelligent than your genes allow. If you were a slimy, spineless bottom-dweller, that might be a welcome bonus. What’s the most intelligent animal on the planet? There are a lot of ways to answer that, and depending on your standard, apes, crows, dolphins, and parrots could all…