Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

The Genius of Insect Flight

Psalm 105:31 “He spake, and there came divers sorts of flies, and lice in all their coasts.” Flying insects have been a huge mystery to scientists, especially those who believe in evolution. Until recently, scientists didn’t know how flying insects could fly. Wind tunnel tests on insect wings showed that their wings produce anywhere from a third to half as much lift…

Moving Toward a One World Government, a One World Economy and a One World Religion

By Michael Snyder October 18th, 2015 The global elite have never been closer to their goal of a united world.  Thanks to a series of interlocking treaties and international agreements, the governance of this planet is increasingly becoming globalized and centralized, but most people don’t seem alarmed by this at all.  In the past 30 days, we have seen some of the…

The Harmony of the Olivet Discourse

The Harmony of the Olivet Discourse © Kevin Lea, Dec 5, 2003, all rights reserved Pastor, Calvary Church of Port Orchard, WA. Updated Nov 14, 2015 The Lord Jesus gave some of the most detailed prophecies of future events just a couple days before His crucifixion.  This teaching by Jesus was recorded in Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, and Luke 21.  Theologians refer to…

What Seems Right May Be Wrong

What Seems Right May Be Wrong Commentary by Roger Oakland Understand the Times International: Roger Oakland Ministries Every Christian wants to see the church grow. Jesus made it clear before He ascended to the Father that His followers are to be His witnesses. Believers are called to share the good news of the gospel until He returns. We want to see…