Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Here you will find selected news articles and editorials, many with our commentary intended to show that the Bible is just as applicable to issues in the world today as they were when written by the inspired pen of the authors of the Old and New Testaments. This only makes sense if the true Author is the all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present God of the Bible. This same God so loves you that He sent His Son Jesus to make a way for you to be forgiven of sin. We pray that you have received Jesus as your Savior. If you have not, I pray these handouts will challenge you to pick up your Bible and discover how miraculous it is, stop fighting God’s love, repent and trust in Jesus as your Savior while there is still time.  Find out more.

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Top Globalist Klaus Schwab: “As Long As Not Everybody Is Vaccinated, Nobody Will Be Safe”

By Kelen McBreen January 29th 2021 How will they inject those who resist? Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  This statement is proof positive that the Covid pandemic and associated vaccine are not what they are being advertised to be.  If the vaccine was truly effective against Covid 19, then EVERYONE who has been vaccinated could take off their mask and not have to…

TOTAL COINCIDENCE ALERT: C19 Diagnostic Criteria Tightened by WHO on Biden Inauguration Day!

By Michael Thau Jan 20, 2021 Well, what are the odds? It just so happens that—on the very day Joe Biden took office—the World Health Organization also released new guidelines ratcheting up the diagnostic criteria for COVID-19. A single positive PCR test for the virus isn’t going to cut it anymore. For some reason, as of today, the organization decided that those tests…

Twitter, Facebook and YouTube Allow Incendiary Anti-MAGA Video to Remain On Platforms

By Tyler Durden Jan 20, 2021 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Dan Winslow is asking for an army of snitches to single out conservatives and turn them into the authorities as potential domestic terrorists.  But they don’t need an army of snitches.  They already have all the necessary data on every digitally connected person in the country.  The new administration can apply…

World Doctors Alliance about Covid

Jan 20, 2021 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Although this article was written with details about what happened in the United Kingdom, the same observations and conclusion also apply to the United States.  It should be noted that the similarity of deception across the world is consistent with the premise that the Covid-19 “pandemic” was not a health emergency that came upon…

O Church, Arise!

Why Christians should celebrate Thanksgiving to God without fear of “killing your grandfather” SOUND VIEW PERSPECTIVE By Mark Dinsmore 25 November 2020 Dear Saints & Servants, There is no question that much of the world is alarmed and fearful of catching COVID-19. These fears are being greatly exacerbated as governors in Washington, Oregon, California, and other states push for ever-increasing restrictions on…

Asteroid Bennu Is Covered In ‘Carbon-Bearing, Organic Material’ Consistent With Ingredients For LIFE, Says NASA

By October 9, 2020 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Not for lack of trying, evolutionary minded “scientists” have found it impossible to explain how life can form on a planet (earth) that is a perfect place for sustaining life.  Now they want us to believe that life came to earth by asteroids, which spend their entire life in the vacuum of…

Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over”

Posted by Tapestry 24 Sept, 2020 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  So if this is true, why are the leftist politicians and media pounding us every day with hype that makes most Americans have a mask wearing fear that they are going to die of Covid?  The obvious answer is that “they” have to keep the problem alive (with lies) in order…

HuffPo Op-Ed: Ginsburg’s Death ‘Pushed Me to Join the Satanic Temple’

“Our best, last defense against anti-choice lawmakers…”   By  Paul Bois Sep 24, 2020 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  This news article is provided as another data point of how far our nation has fallen.  I realize that this post is featuring just one example of a 40-something mother, but there are millions just like her.  The fact that tens of millions…

Maund: Welcome To The Global Gulag…

By Tyler Durden Tue, 08/18/2020 – 23:45 In case you haven’t noticed, we now live under tyranny, and over the next several years, thanks to the unquestioning zombielike submission of the masses, it is set to get a whole lot worse. When this whole bizarre virus plandemic, or scamdemic, started to gather momentum I instinctively knew that something wasn’t right, that the official…

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