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'antichrist' Tagged Posts (Page 5)

China: Social Credit System Has ‘Restored Morality’ by Blacklisting over 13 Million People

By Frances Martel 14 May 2019 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. China’s state-run newspaper Global Times revealed in a column defending the nation’s authoritarian “social credit system” Monday that the communist regime had blacklisted 13.49 million Chinese citizens for being “untrustworthy.” The article did not specify what these individuals did to find themselves on the list, though the regime has revealed…

The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Do The Democrats Hate Jews? The Short Answer Is Yes

By Baruch Pletner,PhD,MBA March 11, 20192391 Treasure from the Second Temple being paraded by the victorious Romans in 70 AD. These symbols of nationhood were lost, but the nation survivedImage by Sodabottle  A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. It would appear that President Trump has recently expressed the opinion that the Democratic Party in its newest incarnation as a political platform…

Apostolic Journey Of His Holiness Pope Francis To The United Arab Emirates

(3-5 February 2019) A DOCUMENT ON HUMAN FRATERNITY FOR WORLD PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER /en/travels/2019/outside/documents/papa-francesco_20190204_documento-fratellanza-umana.html Note from Pastor Kevin Lea (Rev 1 – February 24, 2019):  Many are saying that this historic trip and associated agreement between Islam and the Pope will go down in history as the pivotal starting event which will ultimately bring about the formation of the global…

Aadhaar: India Supreme Court Upholds Controversial Biometric Database

By Manveena Suri, CNN September 26, 2018 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Soon Americans will join the Indians in being biometrically databased.  The technology tools are being used to allow the formation of a global police state, ultimately to be ruled by the coming antichrist. Can you hear the footsteps of the messiah’s second coming?  If not, you need your spiritual ears…