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'asteroids' Tagged Posts

A Surprise in NASA’s Asteroid Rocks Hints Bennu Came from an Ocean World

Scientists Didn’t See this in the Spacecraft’s Earlier Data. By Elisha Sauers June 29, 2024 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Evidence is piling up that debris jettisoned from the earth during Noah’s flood came together in the vacuum of space to form asteroids and comets.  Of course those who refuse to acknowledge our creator, or that there was a global flood in…

Asteroid Hit by NASA Spacecraft Was Reshaped by the Collision, Study Finds

Smithsonian Magazine by Will Sullivan, February 28, 2024 Instead of forming a crater, the agency’s intentional DART crash redistributed massive amounts of the asteroid and shot large quantities of rock into space CCPO Note:  Once again, scientific findings and actual observations contradict secular theories about asteroids.  There is only one theory that adequately explains these findings, the Hydroplate Theory (HPT) of Dr. Walt…

HPT Prediction Fulfilled! “NASA Asteroid Deflection Test (DART) Accidentally Creates A BOULDER SWARM That Could Impact the Earth with As Much Energy as the Hiroshima Detonation”

Natural News August 11, 2023 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea. As this news article reports, NASA’s impact of the Dimorphos Asteroid in September 2022 created a “boulder storm” in space. While this result was completely unexpected to most astronomers, it came as no surprise to those who understand Dr. Walt Brown’s Hydroplate Theory (HPT) explanation for the origin of asteroids. In fact,…

Turns out Pluto Might Really Be A Giant Comet

Some researchers have a new theory about the former planet: It’s made up of a billion comets at its core. By Eric Mack May 23, 2018 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI Ever since poor Pluto was stripped of its planetary status, a lingering question has been, Well then, what the heck is it? Dwarf planet? Big asteroid? Just…