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'NASA' Tagged Posts

Asteroid Hit by NASA Spacecraft Was Reshaped by the Collision, Study Finds

Smithsonian Magazine by Will Sullivan, February 28, 2024 Instead of forming a crater, the agency’s intentional DART crash redistributed massive amounts of the asteroid and shot large quantities of rock into space CCPO Note:  Once again, scientific findings and actual observations contradict secular theories about asteroids.  There is only one theory that adequately explains these findings, the Hydroplate Theory (HPT) of Dr. Walt…

Sample of Empire State Building-Sized Asteroid Set to Crash Down in Utah Desert

FOX NEWS September 22, 2023 note from Pastor Kevin Lea: In two days, samples from the asteroid Bennu will return to earth.  (“On September 24, a sample of the asteroid Bennu will land on Earth through the OSIRIS-REx mission!”  All those who follow Dr. Walt Brown’s Hydroplate Theory explanation for the origin of asteroids and comets know what they will find: elements,…