Mike Snavely info@missionimperative.org
PO Box 264
Cornwall PA 17016
July 5, 2017
The giraffe is a favorite animal among our guests on our African safaris. Besides their unique appearance and large size (up to 2,000 lbs.), they have amazing characteristics that you might not know about. Evolutionists, of course, see these features, too, but just can’t bring themselves to mention “design“, because that implies a designer, and then….well, you know where that leads! So, to stay safely away from the implications of a Designer, they simply, as always, remark about the amazing job evolution has done.
So, take a look at these remarkably designed features that the Creator has deliberately and ingeniously planned for a giraffe to have ~
Giraffes have the same number of neck vertebrae as most other animals – seven.
Giraffes have horn-like growths on their heads called ossicones. They are covered in skin. Baby giraffes are born with them, but they are not attached to the skull at that time, but lie flat to avoid injury.
A giraffe’s heart can weigh up to 24lbs., and delivers about twice the normal blood pressure of other animals in order to overcome gravity to get blood up to the head.
There is a complex blood pressure regulation system in the neck that controls the amount of blood that will flow to the head when the neck is down while the animal is drinking.
On the other hand, the vessels in the legs are under immense pressure due to the weight of fluid in the body. In other animals, this would cause a very serious situation since blood would be forced out through the capillary walls. But, in a giraffe there is a thick sheath of tight skin covering the lower legs that keeps the vascular pressure high, very much like the g-suit of a fighter pilot.
Giraffes eat about 140 lbs. of leaves and twigs per day.
An adult giraffe can deliver tremendous force with its front legs which enables it to defend itself against large predators.
The giraffe has one of the shortest sleep requirements of any animal on earth! They only need up to two hours per day, and sometimes get this by sleeping just minutes at a time!
There. That’s a start. I guess you’d have to look long and hard, according to some people, to see any evidence of design….