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The BREXIT and Bible Prophecy — Part 1

Will the breakup of the EU delay prophesied End-Times Events?

By Mark Dinsmore

Upon the announcement of the “Brexit” referendum results, the conservative-libertarian blogosphere was cautiously jubilant. One such website, ran with this headline: “Beginning of the end or end of the beginning?” Longtime researcher, author, and critic of the Federal Reserve system, G. Edward Griffin, wrote:

Most readers of Need to Know News will rejoice over Britain’s exit from the EU. It’s not that we have a stake in Britain’s internal affairs, but because this issue has as much to do with global government as it does with national prosperity. In other words, this is a setback for the BIG strategy to put elitist politicians and bankers into control of the entire world – and that affects all of us at the macro level.

It is tempting to give a victory shout and boast that this is the beginning of the end for the globalists, but we know from long experience that they do not give up that easily. Even before the Brexit vote took place, undoubtedly they had prepared Plan-B for just such an outcome.

As I will note in another segment, however, there are a number of signs that indicate the globalists are not only unaffected by the outcome, but in fact have anticipated or even encouraged the Brexit as a further means to an end (the beginning of the end of our current economic system). Griffin continues:

It is not hard to imagine what such a plan would include. The proven technique for herding the masses into places they would not otherwise choose is to cause them to experience fear and panic. In modern times, this has become an important part of political science in which grotesque enemies are engineered and manufactured with great precision. False-flag attacks are the new normal, and (as illustrated in this week’s news) there even is a talent agency that provides ‘crisis actors’ to corporate and government clients around the world.

Everything is possible – including a return to the EU – if people are in fear for their lives as a result of war, terrorism, economic collapse, or civil disorder, all of which can be arranged. It is an eerie feeling knowing that there are people in high places, like Maurice Strong, a UN icon for internationalism, who, not only long for the economic destruction of advanced countries, but are in positions to bring it about. It was Strong who said:

What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principle risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? … The group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about? [See The Creature from Jekyll Island, page 533.]

The current victory over the EU is not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning of a long and fierce contest between the forces of global tyranny and personal freedom. It is good to rejoice and celebrate, but the next battle is coming, and we must now prepare.

While Griffin does not directly offer a biblical perspective in this piece, he does caution that the Powers That Be (PTB) will find a way — literally through hell and high water — to accomplish the globalist agenda. Ultimately, the perpetual drive for world government is derived from Luciferic “enlightenment” (Gen 3:5, Isaiah 14:14 and drawn from doctrines of demons” (1 Tim 4:1).

The Brexit vote is bound to cause many students of Bible prophecy to wonder, “How does the Brexit fit into the big picture? Isn’t this a setback for End-Times events foretold of in Scripture? We thought that the EU was going to become one of the ten last confederations (one of the “ten toes” of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream) in the last-days kingdom of Antichrist” (Dan 2:34, 40-44;  cf Dan 7:24, Rev 17:12).

Indeed, these were the first questions I began to ponder. But we too easily forget the perils of trying to discern prophecy from reading the headlines. Headlines may confirm prophecy, but they never repeal it or circumvent it. Through the years, both students and teachers of eschatological events have been eager to jump the gun. In fact, it wasn’t very long ago that the formation of the EU itself was hailed by many preachers and prophecy teachers to be a forerunner to global government, especially as it approached “ten” participating nations.

Of course, with 28 member nations today (minus Britain as it begins a process of withdrawal that could take two years), it is obvious that many of these godly men — and their flocks — failed to discern the times because they did not carefully study the Scriptures and consider the context.

Therefore, knowing with confidence that the Bible is true, and that God alone declares the “end from the beginning” (Isaiah 46:9-10), the decision by the people of Britain to regain and retain their national sovereignty and identity is not a setback to the purposes of God. And as we shall examine, it may not even be a setback for the world-wide occult hierarchy of Freemasonry — that, in accordance with Bible prophecy is the primary driving force behind global government.

(See references to “kings of the earth” in Psalm 2, Acts 4:26, Revelation 6:5; 16:4; 17:2,18; 18:3-9, 19:19.)

These “kings” who “take counsel together” (align themselves in supra-national cabals) are likely not elected officials or even self-appointed monarchs, but rather are powerful “king-makers” of the planet who pull the strings of puppets whom they appoint.

As the vision of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue in the book of Daniel indicates, these ten last kings will ultimately rule over ten global regions of the earth — five in the East and five in the West — and as God’s Word reveals, they will receive “power for one hour” with the Beast. (“One hour” is a symbolic short span of time, perhaps as little as 15 days but potentially weeks or months.) This short rise to power and glory will end abruptly, proving the eternal wisdom of God’s Word, which declares “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).

The push for globalization today, though driven by banks and corporations eager to consolidate wealth and power, is actually born from ancient roots; roots that extend back to the Tower of Babel — and even back to the Serpent whose subtlety separated man from God. Now as then, the powerful “builders” of the planet sought to defy the commands of God, declaring: “Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4).

In the same way today, certain forces and factions within the organizations and institutions of man have silently, steadily eroded the stability of sovereign nations to form a “more perfect” global union of their own design. While declaring freedom of mankind under the banner of “liberty, equality, and fraternity,” their true design is not a promotion of Christian virtues, but rather a rebellion of license — or freedom from God.

Man’s perpetual quest for elevating “self-expression” as the highest form of worship is nothing new; as God’s Word records, the ancient Israelites rebelled in the same manner: “In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Judges 17:6, 21:25). The same is increasingly true today, as movies, media, and marketing encourage consumers to seek self-fulfillment above all else.

This insatiable lust is nothing but the same doctrine of demons celebrated in Satanism: “Do what thou wilt, this be the whole of the law.” The Wiccan rede (creed) is only slightly modified: “Do what thou wilt, an’ harm none.” Both religions practice sex magick as part of their ritual; another perversion that was also practiced in ancient Israel, even while Moses was receiving the commandments of God (Exodus 32:6, 1 Corinthians 10:7).

So what does this have to do with the Brexit and Bible Prophecy?

In the next installment, we’ll explore some of the curious circumstances and symbolism which surround the historic Brexit vote — and attempt to connect some dots to help believers understand the times from a prophetic point of view.

Until then, keep looking up! (Luke 21:28)

Mark Dinsmore