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Posts by Kevin Lea (Page 32)

LGBT 2016-17 Goals: Target “All” Students, Not Just LGBT

August 3, 2016 by Gary Randall An LGBT Global Summit was held within the Democrat Convention last week. One of the leaders, activist Kevin Jennings, formerly with the Obama Administration’s Education Department, said, “The future of the LGBT movement hinges largely on the out come of this election.” Another leader, the director of GLAD, told the global gathering, “Let’s dream bigger for a…

Why Are Jews Not ‘Radicalized?’

by Judith Bergman August 16, 2016 According to the most popular and largely dominant theory of why Muslims become radicalized, the more they feel discriminated against, the more likely they are to engage in terrorism and join terrorist groups such as Islamic State. This theory claims to be research based. It is only fitting, therefore, to examine why it is not equally…

The BREXIT and Bible Prophecy — Part 2

Globalists capitalize on conflict — creating chaos that leads toward a New World Order  By Mark Dinsmore July 1, 2016 On the surface, the “Brexit” — or British exit from the European Union (EU) appears to deal a tremendous blow to the Masonic-elite’s globalist goal for a New World Order. With few exceptions, this was the general consensus among many conservative and libertarian-leaning bloggers…

The BREXIT and Bible Prophecy — Part 1

Will the breakup of the EU delay prophesied End-Times Events? By Mark Dinsmore Upon the announcement of the “Brexit” referendum results, the conservative-libertarian blogosphere was cautiously jubilant. One such website, ran with this headline: “Beginning of the end or end of the beginning?” Longtime researcher, author, and critic of the Federal Reserve system, G. Edward Griffin, wrote: Most readers of Need to…

Mexican President Demands U.S. Merge with Mexico, Canada

EU-style “North American Union” would kill U.S. national sovereignty  By Kit Daniels JUNE 28, 2016 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  According to Bible prophecy (Daniel and Revelation), someday there will be a ten-nation global empire ruled by the Antichrist.  The European Commission elites have a plan to globalize all the current nation states of the…