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Hydroplate Theory (Page 3)

Hubble Spots a Strange New Type of Celestial Object

By Michael Irving Sept 20, 2017 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  This is a very significant discovery and extremely baffling to big bang scientists.  However, this Comet is not surprising to those with orbital physics backgrounds and knowledge of Dr. Brown’s hydroplate theory explanation of their origin.     Astronomers have discovered a brand new type of celestial object: an active…

Did It Rain Before The Flood?

by Dr. Walt Brown   Genesis 2:5–6 suggests that it did not rain before the flood: Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the Lord God had not sent rain upon the earth; and there was no man to cultivate the ground. But a mist used to…

NASA Has Stunning Video of A Giant Asteroid That’s Set To Whiz Past Earth

By Chris Ciaccia April 19, 2017 NASA has released radar images of the asteroid known as 2014 JO25, as the space rock prepares to fly by Earth on Wednesday night. Various telescopes and observatories around the planet, including the Arecibo Observatory, have begun sending radar towards the asteroid, while also recording its echoes. Additional observations of the asteroid are being made on April…

‘Extreme Natural Disaster’: Scientists Find Evidence Supporting Chinese Account of Great Flood

By Garrett Haley  August 8, 2016 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  The authors of this article, and Dr. Monty White (in the Answers in Genesis article quoted at the end), are making a serious error by equating the Science Magazine article with the Flood of Noah (TFON).  The flood described in this ancient Chinese flood legend must have been a post-flood event, as…

Want Salt on Your Ceres?

By David Coppedge December 10, 2015   Note from Jane Albright who contributed this comment at the website where this article is posted: Jane Albright December 10, 2015 Here is yet another discovery that is completely consistent with and easily explained by Dr. Walt Brown’s Hydroplate Theory for the flood of Noah — explained in the Asteroid Chapter of “In the Beginning:…